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Vol I   1885 - 1909 
Vol II  1910 - 1946

By Barbie Lokting


Sunday, July 22, 1888, Mrs. LOG (Martha Sterling Goddard, our Great Grandmother), Set the table for a lunch at 9 o’clock (PM). Coffee, cookies crackers, cheese & berries were served to 16 people who enjoyed the food amazingly. About 10 o’clock the clouds cleared away and soon we saw a shadow cut its way across the moon and about eleven o’clock the full face of the moon became covered making a TOTAL ECLIPSE. We did not wait for it to pass off but all went to bed except Mattie who saw the moon come out clear and bright around 2:00 AM.

August 15th, 1902, JSG Birthday "A cool quiet day. The cottages made merry over Sterling's birthday. They gave him children's toys and a fruit cake which was made by Mary Nyman was served with the usual fun. 15 candles were stuck in it, signifying the day of the month. All went sailing in the evening."

The first mention of Grannie I find is on Thursday, July 28, 1904 "Sterling & Doc telephoned about 10 AM that they had arrived at Monroe with Ellen. They took dinner at the Lotis with Uncle Frank and Sallie"

...then on July 29... "Miss Ware seems enjoying the Pointe very much. All enjoying her anyway"

Saturday, Sept 2, 1905 ... "Ellen Goddard, A E Wing and JSG arrived at the Pointe about 4 PM, driving out in one of Guennings (?) rigs. Found the Goddards cottage in fine condition and all ready to be lived in. Mrs A E Wing, Walter Wing and W P Sterling were at the Pointe also in the J M Sterling cottage. Quite a sea was rolling so the boats could not be put in the water. Rather cloudy and cold so afternoon was spent in unpacking and getting settled." 

Monday, Sept 4, 1905 "Another cold and cloudy day with sea rolling and South wind. in the afternoon, Ellen, Walter W. and JSG walked to Stoney Pointe armed with gun and clubs. Got caught in a shower but came back with a bag of nice birds and a half pail of frogs. After tea A E Wing left for Detroit. The evening was very cold so that made a fire necessary."

Saturday, July 3,1909 "JSG, Ellen G, Caroline and baby Elizabeth with nurse Della left Riverside and Chicago Friday night arriving at Monroe via Toledo going direct to to Grandma Sterling's. Drove out to the Pointe arriving in time for dinner. Found cottage nicely aired and opened up, thanks to previous visit of EG. About five o'clock Uncle Austin, E Wing, Aunt Emma Wing and Uncle Pod Sterling arrived. The day was bright and beautiful but a strong North wind made it very cold so sweaters and coats were required to keep warm."

Sept 6, 1909 "The season at the Pointe for Ellen Goddard and the two babies, Caroline and Elizabeth, has been a long one lasting from July 3rd to Sept 6th, but it has been a splended one for the babies as they have gained in flesh, strength and color and escaped a hot summer at home."

Pointe-aux-Peaux Cottage, circa 1915

Fast forward to July 3, 1930 "Caroline & baby Nancy Ellen 2 1/2 months, Elizabeth & baby Jaqueline l 1/2 mos with nurse Miss Leonard came by train met in Toledo by Jeanette Silverthorne. Bob Grim, John Silverthorne the fathers drove up by auto to spend 4 days over the "4th." Caroline, Elizabeth and two babies spent July here. Bob Grim came by aeroplane to spend the last week & John drove up over the last weekend to take the baggage back. C & E with babies went by train."

July 10, 1938 "At 12:00 noon Sterling and Herbie left for Toledo to meet Edith and baby Joey who had flown from Chicago to Toledo in one hour fifteen minutes. Both are fine and neither showed any effects from the journey. Nice fried chicken dinner for Edith. Heavy storm at night but clear in morning."

Sunday, July 16, 1939 "Dan and Elizabeth Hirshfield arrived with Danny and Barby Grim and Dan's Grandma Hicks. House shining clean and so welcoming after long drive... 9hrs.... Grandma stayed overnight, left for Cleveland next day. Everyone loving it here including little Danny.

Sunday, July 23, 1939 "Barby, Dan, Eliz had dinner at the Stone House. Aunt Em Wing and her guest Mrs McCort and Danny joined us having wakened from his nap just in time to go. He was very angelic - surprising his parents ...... Danny had his first row boat ride and the rest of us had our first swim, except Barby who had braved the waves before. Real Pointe weather has arrived, warm in the sun, cool breezes in the shade."

Wednesday, July 26,'39 "Danny Hirschfield Jr. had his first swim yesterday. Water was warm and he paddled right in over his waist and then stretched out in the water and tried to swim (his Mother holding him of course) He loved it!"

Tuesday, August 15th, 1939 "Barby's birthday & what a happy little girl with 4 new dolls and lots of other games and clothes. She went to town with Ben & Caroline in morning to shop for her birthday dinner & stopped to see Will and Em Sterling. Finished up the ironing in time to take a dip before dinner. Had baked chicken, giblet gravy, dressing, mashed potatoes, "wrinkled peas" ice cream & chocolate cake with coconut frosting. (All Barby's ordering)

Thursday, Aug 17th, 1939 "Little Elizabeth Goddard's birthday! Great excitement when Sterling called Caroline on phone at 7:30 AM to tell us she was born on 16th at 10:30 PM ... a pretty blond "peaches and cream" baby. 6-15 1/2 lbs. Everyone wrote a round robin letter right away to mail to Edie at Pasavant Hospital. Mother and baby both fine and parents thrilled with a sister for Joey. The tenth grandchild for Grannie"

Thursday, Aug 5, 1940 "Morning spent preparing for Sterling Goddard's family. Ben came home about two. Sterling, Edie, Joey and baby Elizabeth with maid Joan, arrived about four. Had a good trip, left Riverside 7:45 am. So glad to have them. Weather cleared and cooler in the evening."

"Sterling and family stayed until Monday 18th. Fine weather all the time. Sterling with Ben's help put in a new door entrance thru the kitchen so the back addition could be a bathroom. Installed a bath tub, made a cupboard and shelves for linens in upper back hall, and shelves by the refrigerator. Ben painted the door and outside closet for brooms. Herbert painted the stove later. Sterling and Edie spent one day at Greenfield Village and the boys went to a ball game in Detroit... saw a movie..otherwise their vacation was spent at the Pointe."

Aug 15th "We celebrated Barby's 8th birthday. Many brought her gifts thru the day and we had a special dinner with Aunt Em a guest. 

Aug 16th "Was baby Elizabeth's lst birthday. Edie had a table set on the lawn with lovely paper cloth and fancy birthday cake, fruit punch, sandwiches. All the Pointers were invited at four and Sterling took movie camera pictures."

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